Datebook | News, Sports, Jobs - The Intermountain

2022-07-29 19:53:36 By : Mr. Ben Wan

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Datebook is reserved for nonprofit, civic organizations. Unless otherwise noted, events listed should be considered free and open to the public. Because of numerous entries, items may appear for only one week. Entries appear in chronological order and as there is space. The deadline for submissions is 4 p.m.

FREE MOVIE: Free movie and popcorn will be offered in the park across the street from Crystal Springs Community Church 9 p.m. today. The movie is “Overcomer.” Bring your own chair and soda. In case of rain it will be shown the following Friday.

EHS CLASS OF 1957: will host a 65th reunion Friday through Sunday. Friday’s event will be at Dale Newlon’s residence behind Newlon International. A dinner on Saturday will be at the Steer Steakhouse and on Sunday there will be a Dutch treat breakfast. For more information, call Sharon McQuain at 304-636-3937.

NOODLEFEST: The Arts Center will host Noodlefest from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, July 30. Visitors will have their choice of noodles in spicy Thai peanut sauce, or Chinese vegetable noodles, along with your choice of a handmade ceramic bowl. Outdoors behind The Arts Center.

NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM: Explore the Discovery Center after hours as our exhibits come alive on Aug. 6 from 4-7:30 p.m at the Appalachian Forest Discovery Center Located at 101 Railroad Avenue, Elkins. Talk to a settler about life at the Seneca Rocks homestead. Watch weavers and basketmakers at work. Learn about medicinal and edible plants in Appalachia, and sample snacks, sodas, and jams made with native plants. Make a basket at the Appalachian Forest Discovery Center Located at 101 Railroad Avenue, Elkins of yarn, craft your own medicinal tea, and string together a simple bird feeder. Night at the Museum is free and open to all ages–kids and adults alike. The West Virginia Railroad Museum will also be open.

KUMP HOUSE TOURS: The historic Gov. Kump House, Randolph Ave., Elkins, is offering public tours this summer on Thursday and Sunday afternoons from 3-5:30 p.m. through Sunday, Aug. 7. The tours will feature the recently opened “Something Old, Something New” exhibit of wedding gowns and interpretive materials highlighting the history of the house and political legacy of West Virginia’s 19th Governor, H.G. Kump. The tours are free, but donations are encouraged.

JAZZ SERIES: The Arts Center will host the Royalpalooza Jazz Series Saturday, Aug. 20, at 7p.m. Seated cabaret-style, tables of four. Individual seats available.

PICKIN’ IN THE PARK: Pickin’ in the Park will be held Wednesday at the Elkins City Park. There will be two jam sessions beginning with a country music session at 4 p.m. at the small pavilion. The second session will be an old-time jam and will be at 7 p.m. at the Sycamore Street Pavilion. Pickin’ in the Park is sponsored by the Augusta Heritage Center and Elkins Parks and Recreation. For more information call 304-642-2369.

VENDOR SPOTS: Vendor areas will be available for the Live and Drive 2022 Summer Concert Series sponsored by Our Town, Inc and Mountain Sate Street Machines on Thursday nights from 6-8 p.m. Reserved spots will be available to crafters, business owners and restaurants. Call for details 304-636-0415. Concerts dates are July 27, Aug. 11, 25, Sept. 8 and 22.

GOSPEL SINGS: at Christ’s Church in Horner with Brian Free and Assurance on Sept. 23 at 7 p.m. and on Nov. 19 at 6 p.m. Pastors Rick and Brenda Wyatt 304-613-9207. Free attendance. Love Offering will be received. Everyone welcome.

SHOWCASING VOLUNTEERS: Our Town, Inc will host a window display at 119 Third St beginning through August 23 showcasing the work of six volunteer groups in our area Citizens Promoting Community, Davis Medical System, Kiwanis Club, Our Town, Inc, Read Aloud and CLIMB. The next showcase will be April 2023 during National Volunteer Month. If your want to showcase your volunteers in the future contact 304-636-0415.

RING A BELL FOR ROSIE: The second Ring the Bell for Rosie event hosted by Our Town, Inc. will be in Sept. 10 at the Atrium at the Seneca Mall at noon. All the public is invited. A light box lunch will be served with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, fruit and dessert or bring your own. Music, dancing , professional story telling and a recognition ceremony will occur. If any female in your family worked on construction or were given pay for other essential jobs during WWII, they may be eligible for recognition. You may dress in Rosie attire. Please call 304-636-0415 for reservations, dietary restrictions or to inquire about a possible Rosie in your family. Reservations must be made by Aug. 27.

AL-ANON: Meets at the Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church every Wednesday from 7-8 p.m.

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: Meets every Monday at 6 p.m. at Full Gospel Fellowship in the Glenmore Loop. For more information call 304-642-1244.

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EDITOR’S NOTE: The Datebook is reserved for nonprofit, civic organizations. Unless otherwise noted, events listed ...

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The Randolph County Republican Executive Committee met recently and elected officers for the next term. Carolyn ...

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Datebook is reserved for nonprofit, civic organizations. Unless otherwise noted, events listed ...

BOLYARD: The descendants of Cayton and Grace Bolyard will have their annual reunion Saturday at the Tacy Community ...

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